Pieces of my heart ~

and here are some of my blessings this Spring ~
our youngest grandchild turned three this Spring
and i'm  not sure just when he grew up
too quickly that's for sure
loves his daddy & mommy, lucy, and tractors!
our youngest daughter with her family at Easter
one loves to swim, one loves basketball, and
miss priss loves her ballet and gymnastics
(and 'her boys')
our oldest with her youngest in Memphis, i think,
traveling with her soccer team. this sweet princess loves her
soccer and her gymnastics and i love watching
her intertwine ballet with gymnastics to music ~
{we have another son in law and grandson {smile font}but
no photos of them yet. traveling with baseball or outside!
I am a thankful for our babies, their men and the gifts of
grandchildren. He is always near. Always with us.
And that's a promise from a God that cannot lie ~

Spring is here!

with all the rain we've gotten here in the South,
rainboots are in abundance! for wreaths
and for feet ~ 
and umbrellas, too! 
a sweet wreath to recreate for your front door ~
have a happy and healthy Spring ~ blessings