Autumn Love

 i love autumn and winter. love love love autumn and winter. my heart sings with the thoughts of sweaters, hot chocolate, cooler temps and her beautiful colors. not to mention the hopes of seeing a bit of snow in the southern South.

i also enjoy following those that love to decorate their homes. i get ideas and sometimes find myself wishing i had this house or that house, especially the cute tudor that blushingbean has on instagram! i digress

 a blog i've followed for years, and she's also on pinterest, (i need to see if she's on instagram), is stone gable. today she has a post she's shared before but i thought was good for reading today.  i think you'll enjoy it as i for not only will you see her home but you'll see yours in a different light, a better light, upon finishing her article. we have so much to be thankful for ~

"and the sun took a step back,
the leaved lulled themselves to sleep
and Autumn was awakened."
Raquel Franco

have a blessed weekend ~