Just Another Day ~

Today was another busy one ~ many happy conversations and laughter with other females and some pretty cute babes. The telephone seemed to ring off the hook and several large shipments came in to be sorted, tagged, and found a home for. I never had the chance to eat breakfast and lunch came around 2 pm. But ~

**I saw Ian and Noah. They gave unconditional love and hugs around the knees. Noah walked with me to the bank, showing me how his new sneakers help him run faster. He grabbed the door handles to open the door for us, and giggled with me as we traveled together.

**It rained this evening! Lots and lots of needed rain! And I had a happy movie to watch and a yummy taco salad to enjoy.

**Stacey is feeling better after being terribly sick for almost two weeks, and Jenny seemed to feel a bit better today. A mother never ceases to worry about her children.

**I got to whisper to Elle that I am so ready to meet her, and I watched as her big brother came over to hug her, too. It's a strange feeling to see your baby with her babies but I love watching them.

And right now I am thinking of a soft, dark, cozy spot that I am about to go put my tired body into and relish the fact that we have air conditioning, secure doors so I don't have to sleep afraid, and those that love me. God's in His Heaven, all's right with the world.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful day! Hope you found lots of rest in the dark, cozy spot.


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