Not sure where I came across this, but if it's yours let me know and I'll give you due credit! Now on with today's post. There's not one. I had lunch, then dinner with two besties and by the time I got settled in to post on our first day at Disney, I decided to catch up on my blog roll. And y'all there are some really neat places just waiting to be found. Following a link at Hooked on Houses, I found Real Estalker and have spent the last hour or so reading her blogs on celebrity homes. My sweetheart will be home soon so today's post will have to wait until tomorrow. The above photo makes me feel cool and refreshed, which is something that is NOT happening outside at this moment. It was 101 degrees after 5 pm today! Humidity level is at 75%! And I hate sweating. Hate hate hate it, because as any true Southern woman will tell you, we don't sweat. We glisten. I don't like humidity. If it's going to rain, then rain. Don't tease me with droplets dripping under my bangs and down the back of my neck. Ew. So let's all think cool, Cool, CoOl, CooL, COOL!
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