Favorites From Last Week

The week began with Brandon's fishing trip ending and him returning home to three babies that celebrated with a trip to a favorite ice cream parlor and a wife very glad to have him safely home. I love this shot. He looks happy and there's a fish! 
Heath and our newest grandbaby, Owen. Need I say how thrilled the whole family is to have a new baby to spoil! Owen is growing so quickly, as they do, and his parents are fascinated. (He has his mommy's blue eyes {heart font} .) 
He loves to be swaddled, and listen to the vacuum cleaner. Seems to calm him. I think it makes him feel Mommy is near!
Brandon & Jenny's son, Ian, was baptized yesterday. Family and friends gathered to witness this precious moment. He was so happy. Our heart memories this past week still warm my heart today. We are a very blessed family. Thank you, Lord.

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