It's been awhile!
We've been busy at our home.
Or rather,
our homes. Yes, more than one.
It's been fun, but a huge change.
I've leaned on these two a lot.
Love them both dearly.
Don't know what I'd do without 'em.
and we are looking forward to getting these sweet ones
further south where they can play in the sand!
(Yeah, it's a proof pic, but I love it.)
Jenny posted this today of her youngest. I so love this child.
Yesterday I helped her with preparing for this upcoming
schoolyear (Jen homeschools) and it was such a joy
to hear the laughter bubbling from his soul. He loves
his siblings and I loved watching them interact.
This is the Noah we know and love.
Sweet, silly boy.
It's been awhile, but we've been busy.
Very, very busy.
With not one, but several homes.
As soon as things begin to settle down,
I promise to share everything with you.
Surprises continue to find us.
Until then, have a blessed weekend!