To update you, well there's not really anything different. The house is still a wreck. Only worse. There were problems, unexpected ones, with getting one of the a/c units fixed. Johnny brought home boxes, but I'm doing circles trying to figure out the best way to pack what's going to the apartment and what's going into storage. aarrggh!!!
Good news ~ we are NOT having a yard sale!!! We have someone that is taking it off our hands! They have a booth at a flea/antique mall and that takes care of that! I am so relieved. There's a Bronco filled with clothes, shoes, and purses going to Goodwill early Monday morning. All of the furniture we wanted to sell has sold. I spoke today with Deanna at Sweetwater Apartments and she says everything is looking good and we should get our keys to the apartment Monday morning!!! Please God, don't let anything go wrong and don't let anyone change their minds about anything. Except for the house, and for some unforeseen reason, if it doesn't sell, we're still moving out, and giving the other couple a call.
It's a freeing feeling to get rid of things I haven't used, or even seen, since the accident in 2006. And I'm not through adding to the growing pile in the living room that's designated for the flea market! Can't wait to get the furniture into the apartments, the kitchen cabinets readied, clothes hanging in the closets, and boxes to the storage facility - and most of those will be Christmas! Johnny is cheerfully storing all the yard equipment and working on cleaning out a garage that became a 'drop all' place. It was never just his and I hope to remedy that once we leave the apartments. He needs a place to park a bass boat, his tools, and a workshop bench. That's long overdue, bless his heart.
Last night we went over to some friends home and had a most delicious meal. The laughter, conversation, and relaxing were much needed and very much appreciated. Thank you Deborah and Lorenzo!! It was just what the doctor ordered!!

Sounds good... cant wait till you get settled again. Hope everything runs smooth for you, Susie H~
Good for you! a
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