Here are some recent snapshots that bring smiles to my heart~
This one of Ian riding on Johnny's back in the swimming pool continues to bring a smile to my face. We have it on our laptop screen at the moment and we both remember what a great time we had that afternoon. Ian is a little waterbug and swims the length of the pool already. Well, he dog paddles~

Jenny took this picture at Ian's last T-ball game. You see Brandon patting Ian on the back at first base. We are so blessed to have men that love our grandsons and take an active part in spending time with them.

This snapshot? This one just brings pure laughter. Ian and Noah were plumb tuckered out after a day of running errands. It had been a very lengthy day and they had been so patient, but headed home they both gave in to staring at the inside of their eyelids. {And yes, 'plumb' and 'tuckered'
are so words. Look them up in any Southern dictionary.} Ian was so sound asleep, he was drooling all over his left hand. At a traffic light, I had Jenny turn around and we both laughed out loud.
For those of you that read Jen's blog, you've already seen these. So look at them again. They're cute.
I worked in the apartment this evening while John was at work and will be sharing pictures this weekend!! There's still much to do, but I'll show what's going on thus far~

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