Here's a sweet snapshot of her and our grandaughter!
And yes, it's been way too long since I saw them!
Are you reading this, Hood?!
Brett's whole family goes each summer and they have such fun. Stacey always takes great snapshots and sends them out once they get home!
Here's our oldest one, Austin ~ getting ready to eat at Lulu's!
and here's Austin making funny faces at his mommy!
which made this little angel,
want to make her own funny face! Your nan misses you!
Got home, and still making faces ~
I was with Jenny one day this week, and Ian had gotten a funny face from someone, somewhere and he loved wearing it! In the stores, in the car, during lunch ~ and he wanted his picture taken!
Mr. FunnyFace
and this one? He wanted his picture taken

which made this little angel,

and this was his funny face (so he said).
Can you tell that I am in love with four little people?!
And that I look for any excuse to share pics with you!
I pray you are so blessed to have someone to love
and that loves you in return ~ and Hood?
Read this slowly, I.Want.To.Go.To.Mississippi. Pu-lease?!
Stop working long enough to take a break!
I even promise to do the driving for you. Oh wait!
The last time I drove I got a speeding ticket.
Okay, so maybe you need to drive. I'll sing and keep you awake ~

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