To roughly quote
IMDb "Iowa farmer Ray
Kinsella hears a voice in his corn field,
"If you build it, he will come." He interprets this message as an instruction to
build a baseball field on his farm, upon which the ghosts of
Shoeless Joe Jackson and
the other seven Chicago White
Sox players banned from the game for throwing the 1919 World Series. When the voices continue, Ray seeks out a reclusive author to help him understand the meaning of the messages and the purpose for his field." Shoeless Joe is the main baseball character in this film but there are others that prompted me to Google this story, just to learn more about these men ~ their lives, their dreams.

I have always loved this movie, but it stirred something different within me today as I watched a rerun on
CMT. Shoeless Joe is the main character on the field, but the one that captured my heart this afternoon was
Archibald 'Moonlight' Graham. Moonlight Graham played in minor leagues for years, and only played in one major league game. The batter ahead of him struck out, ending the game. Moonlight never got the chance to bat. He became a physician and faithfully served the people of Chisholm, Minnesota for fifty years. The part of the movie where he steps across the field line is one of the most dramatic scenes in the story.

Several players ask, "Is this Heaven?" and Costner always responds, "No, it's Iowa." Toward the end of the film, Costner asks one of the players, "Is there a Heaven?" and the answer? "Oh yeah, it's the place dreams come true." When those words were said today, I literally got goosebumps, and a lump in my throat. It triggered what I saw, what I felt, what I know to be true. Heaven, Paradise is the place where dreams come true. It is far greater than we can understand. So when you watch this movie ~ and do get it soon and refresh it upon your heart ~ remember, for His children there is a Place where dreams do come true. And it waits for us. Moonlight Graham and Shoeless Joe had their dreams materialize on a baseball field in Iowa. My dreams will materialize on a far greater plane and will truly be out of this world.
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