and guess who won Saturday against the LSU Tigers?
Yep, made this man mighty happy.

"At one time Parsons Branch Road was one of the major thoroughfares in Cades Cove which resident of Cades Cove would take to get to North Carolina. Parsons Branch road was closed for 4 years due to washouts and flooding but has just reopened and is better than ever. If you take this road you will end up on the Tail of the Dragon (Hwy 129) and there is no way to get back to Cades Cove." ~ Cades Cove online info
The two lane gravel road gave way to a dirt one way road, which gave way to pot holes, spillways, and shrubs that brushed the sides of the car. The guys thought it hilarious to wonder aloud if those were banjos playing, and what would we do if a scruffy mountain man stepped out in the road with a rifle. I suggested we see what it sounded like for flesh to meet metal!
This 'pig trail' ran for eight miles and took almost an hour and half to navigate. The picture below was taken from inside the car. Someone did us all a favor by pouring cement slabs to create spillways that helped greatly in crossing the creek! (Glenda & I quit counting how many times we crossed that creek!) The photo below was taken from inside the car.
Finally, finally our one way dirt road brought us to Hwy 129, where we found ourselves on the Tail of the Dragon which apparently is a name for miles of twisting, turning curves, hills, and drop offs. Seated in the back of Nelson's small Corolla I began to feel a bit squeamish
and was tickled to get out and stretch a bit once we got on the Foothills Parkway. Those eight backwoods miles put us way on the other side of Townsend, almost two hours from Gatlinburg and the dinner I had planned at Bennett's BarBQue! By the time I saw city lights, all I wanted was a hot shower and some reheated spaghetti, which I got, not in that order.

Ida had moved in by the time we left this morning and the drizzle and fog were making the mountains smoke. We have plans to go back soon and I look forward to seeing the Winterfest lights that are just now being put into place. Maybe next time there'll be snow!

I LOVE Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge...and I mean LOVE...looking at your pictures has made me ready to take another trip there....soon. With emphasis on SOON. Ben has never been before, can you believe that?! He has really missed out!
What beautiful pictures! I love the one with y'all in "The Village" sled. I know the rain puts a damper on vacation, but it sure makes for great photography! It looks like you guys had a wonderful time. It's so ironic because a few years ago (it was before kids, actually just before I got pregnant with Drew) we were in Gatlinburg for the Alabama vs. LSU game. We one it that year. Maybe it's something about Gatlinburg that makes your team win. As sad as I am that we lost, I do congratulate you guys. Y'all are a strong team.... but watch out for us next year! =] Geaux Tigers! (sorry, I would be in derelict of duty if I didn't put that)
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