Tonight we went to watch Noah's end of year program for K3. It was cute, he sang out loud, the antics of the young ones was funny, but let me tell you, it was LLOONNGG. Like an hour and a half long, and you're reading this written by someone that has a difficult time sitting still for thirty minutes. Ask my sweetheart. He's forever nudging me in worship, to sit still, quit fidgeting, quit asking him what time it is. I'm horrid. Love the lessons that are short, with lots of songs of praise and where we can stand up to sing {grin font}
See Miss Elle? She loves loves loves purses and loves looking to see what's in them, like Nan's earbuds. I accidentally grabbed the bag I take to the fitness center, so there was very little in there to attract her attention tonight. She likes to find a compact, some lipstick, a cell phone, you know, girl's 'stuff'.
And no, we did NOT write on the walls at McAlister's. I just like playing with my Piknic on the Flickr site. It also lets you know why we've gathered at 8 PM. Yeah, long program. Miss Elle is on her way down to get to the purse again. We had such fun together and didn't get a photo of Brandon and Jenny. They sat at the table across from us, looking tired but happy. Happy but tired. I thought it was a neat idea of Jen's to let us sit with the little ones. Then it was out to the car for a few gifts, some ooh's and aah's. When I told Ian we had him a gift and he immediately said, "I hope it's Lego's!" I told him no, that his mother hadn't told me to get Lego's, to which he answered, "Well, anytime you want to get me something just make it Lego's, whatever momma says." {Ian has loved Lego's from the time he could hold those fat ones. You know, the baby Lego's? He would build towers with his daddy that were taller than he was and then gleefully knock it down. Now he's into very intricate models and tiny pieces. That's why there's a baby gate at the door of his room. Little Elle has to stand there and watch he and Noah play with the Lego's. It's funny seeing her stand there stretching to see what they're doing. Sick humor, I know, but funny}.
As I said it was late and I believe Ian was watching Noah play with the glow stick they used in the program. This was before the food. Notice the rather clean table. Afterwards, it wasn't so clean but the food was delicious and Ian ate so much so fast he got a tummy ache. Our g'babies are growing so quickly. Austin will be a third grader next year and Alaina will go into Kindergarten. Dry the tears in my heart. They are beautiful, well minded, talented and bright children. Their parents are very involved with setting a good foundation of love for the King, love for family, and a zest and curiosity for life. I'm very proud of them. Now to just get in as many snuggles as I can; carry them as long as possible across a parking lot; and rock them for naps until they become so involved with life that I'll have to travel to where they are to see them. It happens you know. In the wink of an eye. Like the song, Turn Around, Turn Around with Danny Kay. They are grown and gone so soon. Okay, enough maudlin, have a great weekend and may the rain bring the heat level down!

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