Happy Father's Day~
You've made it possible for so many
of my dreams to come true.
You are my rock,
my hiding place,
my comfort during storms.
You offer us your love,
your support,
and I know that there is nothing
absolutely nothing
that you wouldn't do for me
and our daughters.
I pray we are blessed with your presence
for many, many years to come.
Happy Father's Day, John~
What a beautiful tribute to your sweet husband, Nancy!! You guys are going through some MAJOR life changes...I'm so happy for you. I know that as long as you have family, husband and children...changes can be FUN! It's all in your perspective. I'm finally getting out tomorrow to head to the post office....I've been knee deep in a BIG project for Somerset and am finally finished. Thank you again for buying my artwork, you feed my creative soul!! And thank you as well for the extra goodies you sent me, I love them all!!! Oh and one more thing...did you know that I LOVE your music?? Those are some of my favorite songs too! xxoo, Dawn
Nancy.. what sweet words about your husband, your blessed! I read your post about "The secret is in the sauce". I too have them on my sidebar. The first time I visited one of the sites I was kind of taken back. Not that Im better than thou but I really had a hard time reading it. So I tried again thinking it was just a one time deal... NOT. I think I will be taking them off because I would not want to direct any of my friends to something I have a hard time reading. I hope I dont step on any toes or hurt feelings. It's just not for me.Thanks for helping me feel like Im not alone, Susie H
What a lovely post! Isn't is a wonderful blessing to have loving husbands and fathers to our children! Tell Mr. Johnny Happy Father's Day for me!
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