So, this is Noah.
He is our third grandson,
our fourth grandchild.
He is a funny child.
A very affectionate child,
a let-me-see-if-I-can-irritate-Ian child,
but also a silly, funny, happy child.
Jenny said he put this costume together
all by himself. I can believe that.
Now that the storms are past,
and we didn't get blown away,
I thought we'd celebrate
with something to laugh about.
So here's Noah~
And if you aren't smiling,
then you seriously need some meds.

Spring-Nancy Sig.Tag


Unknown said...

That's my sweet boy...who also happened to be "scared" of the outside yesterday evening :-S

Nancy Hood said...

Bless his heart. We talked with Leslie yesterday and you remember how she hates bad weather! Guess Noah is going to be just like his Pa and aunt Weswie. 'Cause I remember his mommy going to the window to see the 'funder' and 'whitening'.

Anonymous said...

these pictures are so funny!

~ from The Letter Writer ~

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