This is Miss E and her parents ~
She had a birthday recently, and guess what she got?!

Every princess needs a crown all her own.

Of course, every princess has a prince
to make sure everything goes as it should. And of course,
every prince simply adores a princess.

Oh, what a beautiful love story.
What a perfect crown for such a beautiful princess!!!
My oldest daughter, Bella age 3- is getting into the "everything princess" phase. What a great idea you have given me for a gift!!
Hope you are doing well! You are still in my prayers.
What a precious love story. thanks for sharing! I can't wait to have a little girl all my own to give a tiara to. How sweet!
enjoyed visiting your blog! she is precious!!
She is so precious! I love the expression on her face when she is looking at the crown! Priceless!!
and sorry I am just now getting back to you but they make floating golf balls but the ones they were using were just old golf balls and they lost them! HAHA! MEN!
Hey Nancy! Too cute! I LOVE her face! How sweet! I am glad she had a great birthday!
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