lunch with our daughter, Jenny's, family.
Three generations. Delicious meal.
A deep sense of thankfulness that our Alabama babies
are being raised in the love and Word of our Lord.
What more could a mother ask for?

to get to Ian's head during the photo shoot!)
A few days later found us in Mississippi,
visiting our daughters there!
Our sweet 'laina had a Dance Recital and it was precious!

Her parents are also raising her and Austin
to love the King and obey His Word.
John and I feel so blessed. So thankful.
We stayed with Leslie, who after the recital, took us to eat

at a great Chinese buffet place ~ in fact,
I don't think we've ever eaten at the same place twice!
I love staying in Leslie's home. It's homey. Loved.
We had to leave Friday, so it was a visit that was too short.
But we have plans to go back. Soon.

To see Ian and Noah. Sure wish we all lived closer.

overnight and part of Saturday while she and Brandon
left for a brief retreat. It was fun. I always love
the looks of happiness when our grandbabies see their parents.

for each other and for our Saviour. The food when we're all together
just puts the icing on an already great cake.

Sounds like an amazing Mother's Day week! I know you are so proud of your beautiful family! They are beautiful. Glad you are back safe. :o) -c
I LOVE these pictures. Everyone looks so happy. I especially like the first one of you, Jen and Elle. Just beautiful! Loved seeing your cute ballerina too. I can't believe how grown-up Austin looks now.
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