Sacrifices, Reunions
I realize that what I am about to share is a bit off the cuff but they grabbed my heart, and I know when one heart is touched, there are others that will also be touched. Our dear Lord doesn't touch just one, without putting the desire to share.
This first is a well written article of the sacrifice our police officers and other deserving workers make to give us a safer place. Firefighters, animal control employees (yeah, I watch those shows where they get animals with sharp fangs and teeth out of houses and yards!) and other service workers leave each day wondering what they will see during their work hours. Here's to you, Heath Taylor and Ted Hughes. William Oates and Tim Huggins. Just a few, for there are thousands of you.
"Oh, are you a cop? That's cool. I wanted to do that when I was a kid. What do you make?"
"I make holding your hand seem like the biggest thing in the world when someone just tried to hurt you. I make five minutes seem like a lifetime, when I am fighting a suspect, while waiting for backup. I make those annoying sirens seem like angels, when you need them. I can make your children breathe, when they stop. I make myself get out of bed at 6 am or 11 pm, to risk my life to save people I've never met. I make it possible to keep back the chaos everyday. I make going to work for your family's safety a DUTY that I will die for. I make myself work holidays, nights during rainstorms and snow storms and other disasters. Today I might make the ultimate sacrifice to save your life. I make a difference. What do YOU make?"
The next is a loving thought expressed by a friend of ours, John Gordon. It brought to mind the brief time I had in Paradise and how youthful, healthy, and peaceful my father looked. Dad crossed over into His arms July 3, 2004. Yes, I'm one of those that look forward for the Second Coming! "Lord, come quickly".
"My paternal grandmother's first husband is still lying in rest on the USS Arizona. This year will be the first Christmas they've spent together in 70 years. What a blessing it is to know that we have the hope of reunions!" Amen to that, John Gordon. To those of you that chose to come here today, have a day filled with love and laughter, giving thanks to the infinite blessings in your own life.
Country Ride, Delightful Friends, Delicious Lunch

The Derailed Diner.
Ever heard of it? Those of you that live in Alabama.
We had not. We know about it now.
And look forward to going back.
The interior was more than a glance could handle.
There were saddles to sit on.
Wagon seats. Tailgates to eat from.
Railcars to eat in.
I have never seen anything like it,
except at Universal Studios or Disney World.
If you're in Robertsdale or on I-10,
stop and visit. It's well worth it.
And the prices are great,
but not as good as the food.

Happy November ~
I love fall and we are in the midst of it. I pray that you and yours will have a time of rest and relaxation during this time of cooler weather and breezes. I am in the process of taking photos of our home in it's present state, as we are beginning to change things and make this sweet abode our home. We love the area and look forward to settling in and making a trip to the Gatlinburg area in the near future ~ ah, Gatlinburg.That's not our present home as our girls wanted to visit a warm place and a closer place {smile font}. We are thankful we listened to them. John and I are very happy to be here and making new friends. Have a great week and may it be filled with love and laughter! Blessings ~

Happy Halloween!
I saw this on Kelly's FB page,
and just couldn't resist.
I laughed out loud!
(it's one of my favorite movies!)
Two Happy Thoughts!
John retires tomorrow!
I asked him how long he's worked
and if he would miss any of it.
"I've worked 40 years and I
will NOT miss a day of it."
He'll be in front of a big screen for all the games now!
And they won't be recorded!
I'll be posting BEFORE pics of the house
and will share with you as we
paint and trim it out.
Right now, it's just fine.
We have g'babies in MS to see first!!
Stay tuned ~

Hang in There!
Yep, still here,
I had no idea retirement could be this way!
But am I having fun!
to get my man retired.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Truly, I'm still here but between fun things like water aerobics (still haven't gotten regular with that, but it's fun!); yoga (same way!); and meeting new friends, I am getting ready for John to retire and then we'll be renovating the home we've just purchased. We are so excited. New flooring, kitchen revamp, screened porch cleaned, painted and decorated, and all rooms given a new coat of paint and brought into the present time frame! Love the layout of this place, don't love the 1994 decor. Or the fact that they chose NOT to install a master bathtub. What's up with that?! The HOA does the landscaping, and takes care of it, so other than adding some Japanese maples (which I love) and Natchez white crepe myrtles (which I adore) we'll be set outside. Oh, and adding a bench and container plants along with a swing and a place to set icy sweetened tea. It may have taken me two years to get over not being able to teach in my classroom, but I'm loving being retired now and able to visit with family and friends when I want; sleep and get up when I want; and have my John all to myself on his off days instead of leaving him at home the days he was off and I worked.
Don't abandon me. Hang in there. I haven't gotten the camera out yet, but I'm now in a position to show you the rooms as they are now, and then take you through the progression of how they will be. Our two youngest have been able to visit and given me such great ideas for this home and I'm excited to begin. So, hang in there with me and we'll soon have this show on the road! Have a week filled with love and laughter~

It's been awhile!
We've been busy at our home.
Or rather,
our homes. Yes, more than one.
It's been fun, but a huge change.
I've leaned on these two a lot.
Love them both dearly.
Don't know what I'd do without 'em.
and we are looking forward to getting these sweet ones
further south where they can play in the sand!
(Yeah, it's a proof pic, but I love it.)
Jenny posted this today of her youngest. I so love this child.
Yesterday I helped her with preparing for this upcoming
schoolyear (Jen homeschools) and it was such a joy
to hear the laughter bubbling from his soul. He loves
his siblings and I loved watching them interact.
This is the Noah we know and love.
Sweet, silly boy.
It's been awhile, but we've been busy.
Very, very busy.
With not one, but several homes.
As soon as things begin to settle down,
I promise to share everything with you.
Surprises continue to find us.
Until then, have a blessed weekend!

Hiatus ~
Thank You
Thank you to all that have sacrificed for our country. We are free because of so many within our Armed Forces and I offer my thanks today~
28 Years Now ~
It's Ours ~
From the garage~that will house not only the BIG one,
but also 'the' bike and my cute little car~
to the huge screened in porch just waiting
to be dressed with furniture and a hammock,
it's ours. A new chapter about to begin.
More soon.
We've been doing a lot of traveling lately
and don't have internet there yet {Wink font}.

Some Beauty While We're Gone~
I hope a dear friend, Kim Cole, will allow me to share with you these photos she took on a canoe trip a while back. I saved these planning to possibly get her permission to frame them at some point. Since we are on our way south this week on a business/pleasure trip, I thought I'd remind myself of some cool, green, and shady places in North Alabama. I love these three shots. Thanks, Kim. They're beautiful.
These next three three are from another dear friend, Lynne Griffies, and I have quite a few of hers saved for framing one day. I've already shared with you that I have one that she took of The Biltmore Mansion matted and framed and I still get comments on it! These three, taken here in Prattville, are some of my favorites that she has taken around town. But this isn't the only ones I have. You should see the ones she has taken in the various vacation spots in and around the Carolina's. Lynne's loves photography and is very good at it.
I will back in touch when we get back the middle of next week. Until then, I pray you find many moments of love and laughter to fill your days. Pray for the needy and our servicemen and truly, truly pray for the leaders of our government. Too many of them need a 'come to Jesus meeting'. Until then ~
Frame These Prints!
I was looking through the items I've saved in a file for my blog and saw these prints. I am inclined to say they most likely came from The Feathered Nest, as Dawn is such a sweetheart to find items like this that she uses in her crafts for her Etsy shop, yet shares them with her readers for free! These would look great framed in the ivory color and framed in a white distressed with the aqua as an undercolor. I can see them in our new home. What would you do with them? I'm always looking for ideas! Have a blessed week ~

Bread Pudding ~ A Weakness of Mine
the Bread Pudding at the 'Ohana
in the Polynesian Resort
heaven in the form of bread, custard,
crisp sides, and cream
I love bread pudding,
other than a place in Jackson MS
that uses white chocolate,
this, at the Ohana,
has to be the best
Go to DisneyWorld, try it. Fall in love.
If you don't like bread pudding,
it will make you a believer.
I have my doubts that this recipe
will make it taste exactly as I dream.
But one can hope. Here it is ~
Polynesian Resort
5 eggs
3 cups whole milk
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 1/2 cup sugar
8 cups french or 'Ohana breakfast bread
1. In bowl mix eggs, milk , salt, sugar and nutmeg. Set aside.
2. Cut bread in medium pieces, place on cookie sheet pan put in 350 degree oven.
3. Bake bread until lightly toasted, about 15 minutes. Remove bread and place in egg and milk mixture.
4. Place mixture in a greased 10-inch cake pan and bake at 325 degree for 1 hour.
5. Let stand 5 minutes, serve hot with ice cream.
4 oz sugar
4 oz brown sugar
4 oz corn syrup
4 oz unsalted butter
1cup heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
1cup banana slices
1. Combine sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, butter and half of heavy cream in a large pan. Bring to a boil and slowly add remaining heavy cream keeping mixture at a steady boil.
2. Candy will brown slightly; cook 3 minutes until candy forms into a firm ball in cold water. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Add sliced bananas. Serve warm.
If YOU have a recipe that you think tastes more like the 'Ohana, please please, leave me the recipe!!

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