This was too cute not to share! Jenny came by after picking Ian up from Day School and they got to playing around. Yes, I know. The elliptical is in the living area, BUT this way I can watch the bigger screened TV and I have to pass it on the way to the kitchen. Johnny keeps threatening to move it into our study, but I'm afraid if it's in here then I'll be more prone to sit at the computer than work off the weight. Now, aren't I the 'one in the know' in this discussion?

Jen and I got up in the attic, not at the same time! someone had to be at the bottom of the ladder to keep Noah from climbing up it!, and we brought down even more for the yard sale! I had forgotten just how many shelves I used to have in our home!! I'll try and get a few pictures on here in case someone wants to buy it before Saturday.
Did you notice my wicker chaise sold?! I listed it last night on eBay and it sold early this morning! To a lady in Scottsboro for $40!! She has a mother in Andalusia that will drive up and get it. She said she has been wanting one for years and has looked faithfully on eBay for local items in Alabama. Never know what can happen on eBay!
Don't forget ~ this Saturday, beginning at 6 am. Although, there are always people coming down the drive at 5 am when I walk out to open the garage door. Geez, I like flea markets and most yard sales, but I do NOT get up before nine to go to them. But it's nice having them look early, this way Jen and I are through by 10:30 or 11!
And just so Noah doesn't get left out, since he was here, too, here's a snapshot of him with my glasses around his neck. What makes this shot special is that Jen has just said his name and he's looking at the woman he loves~

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