Leslie came in this afternoon bringing Austin with her! He loves his Aunt Leslie and enjoyed his view from the backseat of her new car!! (He loves cars, too!) Leslie came over to pick up Miss Marley and Austin came to see his Nan and Pa and spend tonight with Ian. When Jenny dropped Noah off this morning, Ian asked several times when Austin was coming and as soon as he came in from Day School Austin was the first person he wanted to see! They are less than four months apart in age and have always loved the company of each other. And this is the first time he's been here without mommy!! It will be a short visit, but with the yard sale being cancelled because of weather, we'll have much more time to laugh and go get a good breakfast together!!
Here's some pictures I took right after Ian got here this afternoon. I'm hoping Jenny has taken some tonight while the boys are camped out in her living room!

Cute boys...couldn't ya wanna hug em and never stop.
Thanks for the comments suggestion, I changed my layout setting as you suggeested.
The boys are too cute! The relationship they are building now is really neat. I have a little girl who adores her cousin Hannah. They have a special relationship that started when they were little.
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