This idea came from Jenny's blog. The trouble I had was choosing which pictures to use. There were so many of our daughters and grandbabies that! Here's a look at 2008 ~

and their families in January,
the weekend it snowed! A white Christmas!

And I got one of my very favorite
snapshots of Jenny & her sons~
(I love the protective way Ian is
holding onto Noah's hand.)

and we had such fun. But then,
we always do. Austin spent the night
with Ian, and we pampered Leslie.
It was her birthday month!

where we made the decision

and if anyone was interested.

And we moved into a new apartment complex,
as there wasn't anything on the market
that we liked as much as what we sold.

with many sweet moments along the way.
And we packed.
And packed.
And traveled to Mississippi.

And watched the grandbabies grow.

25 years together.
It's still nice to be married
to my best friend.

to help us celebrate at Marchelle's
and it was such a nice evening.

and we wondered how it was
that just the week before
we were driving over to welcome
his birth~

and hotter weather.
This was to have been the school year
I returned to my classroom.
I didn't. And it was a drastic,
and traumatic, difference.

Alaina turned three, and more beautiful~
Stacey celebrated a birthday!
My mom had her 79th birthday,
on the same day Ian turned five~
John and I are healthy & happy,
and I can't wait to see what 2009 will bring!