wasn't the food, or the beautiful gifts,
or those that came to celebrate,
Today was another busy one ~ many happy conversations and laughter with other females and some pretty cute babes. The telephone seemed to ring off the hook and several large shipments came in to be sorted, tagged, and found a home for. I never had the chance to eat breakfast and lunch came around 2 pm. But ~
**I saw Ian and Noah. They gave unconditional love and hugs around the knees. Noah walked with me to the bank, showing me how his new sneakers help him run faster. He grabbed the door handles to open the door for us, and giggled with me as we traveled together.
**It rained this evening! Lots and lots of needed rain! And I had a happy movie to watch and a yummy taco salad to enjoy.
**Stacey is feeling better after being terribly sick for almost two weeks, and Jenny seemed to feel a bit better today. A mother never ceases to worry about her children.
**I got to whisper to Elle that I am so ready to meet her, and I watched as her big brother came over to hug her, too. It's a strange feeling to see your baby with her babies but I love watching them.
And right now I am thinking of a soft, dark, cozy spot that I am about to go put my tired body into and relish the fact that we have air conditioning, secure doors so I don't have to sleep afraid, and those that love me. God's in His Heaven, all's right with the world.
Will Burdett, 2 1/2, cautiously examines a broom that seems to stand on its own, with no visible support, in a Prattville storefront. Will's mother, Christy Burdett, is preparing to open the location as a consignment shop. (David Bundy) There is a buzz in downtown Prattville! We seem to have another resident ghost, or ghosts depending on who is talking, in one of the older downtown buildings. A customer came in to the shoppe, which is directly across the street, all excited about a broom standing upright. With no one holding it. I'll let you click here and go directly to our Montgomery Advertiser for the full story and a video that was taken yesterday. Or click here to see Bryan Henry's take on it. (He and his cameraman parked right outside our door, but they didn't interview us this time. He interviewed Patti last September! You can read about it here, but I don't think the video can be accessed.) A-N-Y-WAY, let me tell you this town is a-buzzing! John and I walked across the street with Patti earlier this evening and sure enough, there's a broom standing upright. In the middle of the room. We tried getting a snapshot through the door, however the dirt and smudges on the glass made it difficult. But if you're downtown, stop by and see the standing broom ~ then cross the street and I'll be glad to help you shop at Cute As A Button!
08/27: Just a note ~ I've been asked if I believe it's 'ghosts' or what I think about this incident. I believe in God, His angels, and I know Satan's workers walk this earth as well. I believe in Paradise and knowing His children will one day worship at His feet. I believe there will be some sort of logical explanation for this, and no, I do not believe in ghosts. I don't disbelieve but there's nothing to make me believe in "wandering souls lost in the nether world". So take it for what it's worth. Do I find it interesting? Shoot yeah, I've had lots of giggles over it and laughter watching others try to figure it out. You should see the faces of others when I tell them about it. I've always loved a good story (wink, wink)
~Have a beautiful day!
Here are two links from two previous celebrations. I pray there are many, many more to come ~ Austin is Five! and Austin Turns Four.
This is Nelson, my big brother. He's not really the oldest, I am. But he's that big brother I needed. Today he was here while Jenny was visiting with Ian and Noah. Ian has always loved his uncle Nelson. Always. They go way back. Here's a link to an earlier post (and you can see what my blog used to look like!) Nelson and Ian have always connected. Now Noah? Nelson came in one day when Noah was real young, grabbed Ian, and scared poor Noah. Today was the first day Nelson has been able to get near the child!
You can see the look as we're headed down the stairs for the boys to see Nelson's motorcycle. Noah didn't want him to hold him going down the stairs ~ note that look of 'I don't think I'll hold you closely'. And he wasn't sure about sitting on the bike, but then, he didn't at the Police Station either. You can read about that here.
But he was all into Nelson going back up the stairs and until Nelson had to leave. Ian? Aw, he's still uncle Nelson's best bud. Now he wants a helmet. Bet that doesn't happen.
Keep reading for an updated pic of Noah's personality! It's beginning to shine and come forth, so says his mother. After spending the afternoon with him, I have to agree. I haven't laughed this much in a while.