"God bears with the wicked, but not for ever.
By Anonymous on 'It's Spring at The Park' at 6:01 PM"
#1 This was left as a comment on an older blog, meant for my eyes and not the eyes of my readers.
#2 Cowards refuse to leave their names. Along with whiners and those that would rather blame another for their sin. But they, too, belong in the group called 'Cowards'.
#2 The above came through as spam, not as a valid comment.
The above isn't even a scripture but written by Miguel de Cervantes.
Read the words of our Father, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." ~ John 8:32.
Six years ago I broke the silence on crimes that had been hidden within our family, violence on women. Yet some would still blame the innocent than face the reality within their own homes. Two Christian men have died with the lies of the guilty on their hearts. How many more will be allowed to die before this person steps up, admits his guilt, apologizes for the pain caused, and the lies told. I know what it feels like to tell the truth and have it set you free. I pray the guilty will find it within themselves to do and feel the same one day before it's too late.
This will be the last time I address an Anonymous comment. They really aren't worth mine or my readers time. Shame on you. May my God forgive you and bring you to His knees.