I did it! and I think I'm proud of myself. But then part of me wants to kick my rear and say, "what in the world did you do that for!"
I have an issue with getting a surgical hernia repaired. It came about from surgery necessary after the accident. This April 21st will be my two year anniversary and I'm still squeamish about being put to sleep and having to go through a lengthy recovery period! Again!! However, our new surgeon, Dr. Foxhall, came highly recommended and we feel that what happened once surely can't happen again. Right?! It took much courage to even call and make today's appointment, and not break it! It took even more to agree to have it done sooner instead of later!
After a lengthy poking around, questioning, more poking, he backed off and asked, "okay, how soon can we do this?" I was like, 'well, how long can I put it off?' and he was like, 'well, it will only get worse'. So, I jumped in with both feet and it will be done as soon as his child graduates from high school. That's right, he said he'd rather not do it in May as there is so much going on with having a senior in the house. My brother, Nelson, has a daughter getting married in May so that works for me, too. I suggested October, Dr. Foxhall suggested June. Guess who won that one?! 
As soon as they call with the date, I'll be sure and post it because I believe prayer is what brought me back the last time and will get me through this time. One of my bestest, bestest friends went with me to listen and take notes should I forget something (this short term memory problem is getting better, but not much). Afterwards, Deborah and I went to eat at a new place Jenny told me about. It's a Mexican restaurant across the parking lot from Books-A-Million. Very colorful, very clean, and the staff was almost obnoxious coming by sooooo OFTEN to see if we needed anything. Try it out, I think you'll like it, too!