Yummy!! We've been eating leftovers from Jenny's feast yesterday and, although we don't have the pleasure of having their company, the food is still so good!! Thank you, Jen, for sending our goodies home with us! It's so good I think I'll cook more of the same weekend after next for Sunday's lunch!! {I would do it this weekend, but 1 - it's too soon after Thanksgiving, and 2 - dad is working day shift so he wouldn't be here.}
Don't you just love all the food from Thanksgiving throughout the Christmas season??!! Are you eating and enjoying leftovers, too?!

Christmas Tidbits of Me!
1.Wrapping paper or gift bags? whatever fits!
2. Real tree or Artificial? artificial, I can leave it up longer!
3. When do you put up the tree? Thanksgiving week
4. When do you take the tree down? one time they stayed up until the first of March, but usually it's the first of February
5. Do you like eggnog? NO, but I love custard!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Christmas, 1962 I got a stuffed pink poodle. Still have him.
7. Hardest person to buy for? everyone is pretty easy!
8. Easiest person to buy for? our girls
9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? mailed
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? a fake fur headband
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
13. When do you start shopping? when Jenny says 'let's go shopping'
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? yep
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? whatever Jenny's coooking
16. Lights on the tree? Yes
17. Favorite Christmas song? all of them!
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? both
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? if I sing the song :)
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? it depends on which room it's in and what the colors area
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? both
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? the layoffs at the papermill
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? depends on the room
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? I love moist dressing but prefer ham as the meat
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? SNOW.SNOW.SNOW
26. Who is most likely to respond to this? maybe Heather
27. Who is least likely to respond to this? most of the ones reading this
I tag any of you that feel like sharing a bit of yourselves with us!
BMW 323i For Sale~
Johnny just called. He's found a 2005 BMW 323i just like my 2000 one. BUT, we need to sell mine first. So, is anyone out there interested? It is a high mileage car, with 136,500 on it. We purchased it from a traveling sales rep. It's been kept very well and either under a carport or in a garage. Tan interior with all the bells and whistles. 6-track CD player (did I describe that correctly?) and sunroof. The picture below is NOT my car, but a year model like it (this one doesn't seem to have a sunroof, mine does). It's almost 10 pm and dark outside! You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see mine. You can call us at 334.361.8895 or email at jandnhood@yahoo.com. Oh, and the price is $7500 OBO. And this is the second post for tonight, so continue on!

Some Like It, Some Don't
Johnny and I rode with my brother, Nelson, into Montgomery yesterday to see mother. She is doing really well, looked great, and made three laps around the Physical Therapy room while we were there. Thank you for your prayers and support. She plans to return home the middle of next week. While we were there, she was introducing us to everyone and seemed to know almost each person within sight. The woman never meets a stranger and I wondered how she would be once she's home and doesn't have all the personable relationships she's making. Not to mention the nurses that are so sweet to make over her.
She is in the same rehab center that I spent 24 hours in after the eleven weeks of ICU. I was so homesick that I literally felt I would have a nervous breakdown if I wasn't allowed to go home. Once I settled in for the night, however, it got better and I thought just maybe I could stay the five weeks that was planned for me. BUT, at breakfast the next morning when I was wheeled to the dining table and the elderly man next to me went face first into his oatmeal bowl, I knew I wasn't staying!!! Not this girl!!!
Got someone to wheel me back to my room, called Johnny, we talked to the doctor who agreed I could do in-house therapy, and I went home!!!! Someone came three times a week for five weeks and helped me relearn how to walk, climb stairs, write, etc and I never had to go back to the rehab center. Yikes, I was sooooo relieved to see that mother's situation is different and that she's much happier! Oh, and she isn't having to wear diapers either. Ugh, I've told Johnny I did all that 'senior citizen stuff' at the young age of 50, so I shouldn't have to do it at all now. You think?

Birthday Girl
Happy Birthday, Jen~

We're Home!
and we had the most relaxing time! It was overcast and cloudy most of the time, but as Johnny said years ago "a rainy day in the Smokies beats a sunny day in Alabama". We love our time in the Gatlinburg area and this trip was just as nice. My brother, Nelson, and his wife took her parents and they will all return tomorrow. One night we got together to play dominoes and eat ribs. I fell asleep listening to John and Brewer arguing over keeping score. {I do NOT play dominoes with Johnny Hood. He is too competitive for me. Besides, he always wins.}
It's been three weeks now since the surgery and I'm healing well. The binder aggravates me but I only have to wear it three more weeks! I still tire easily. Taking naps helps and I don't mind snuggling down for one! Thank you for your prayers! Hopefully, this will be the last medical procedure to correct a mistake made two years ago.
Thank you, too, for those of you that read Jenny's page and have prayed for my mother. She suffered a slight stroke Sunday and is presently in rehab. We saw her this afternoon and she's doing much better. She was growing tired by the time we left. They plan to have her up and in therapy early tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers as she struggles to recover. She's a strong woman and I'll be glad to see her return home.
I can't wait to visit everyone and see what you've been up to! I've been to Jen's page and loved reading her 'Seen and Heard'. Hope to see some updates on other sites as well! We forgot to take the camera, bummer!, so there are no pics of our trip. But, I Googled one!