I come asking tonight for prayer warriors. A dear friend of ours, here's a link to her blog, will have to have a large mass removed from a breast. She found it, saw her doctor Monday, had tests today and will see a surgeon Thursday. Her Dr suggested having it removed ASAP. I know she would appreciate your prayers. She's a strong Christian and has great faith, however you know how Satan loves to put fear into our heads. Pray for peace, comfort, a healing and rapid recovery and that this is not a cancerous tumor. Thank you. I will update as we find out what is involved.
Yesterday I shared the cute idea of small mailboxes holding Valentine cards from family members. You can find that idea here!
Prayers Please, and New Ideas!
From these $1 mailboxes and $1 candlesticks
(paint was already on hand)
to these cute mailboxes!
Tonight, I want to share one that is so cute and could easily be used as a nightlight. Those who know me well know that I love nightlights. I love walking through our home at night and having just enough light to add a sweet glow to everything. Here's the photo below and here's the link! Lookie What I Did.
I'm having our Recipe group over Monday for lunch and have decided against bringing out any Valentine decor. I'm still decorated for winter and yes, the tree is still up. It looks so pretty reflecting off the mirrors and windows we haven't been in a hurry to put it up. So my sweet friends may just see a Christmas tree, along with their winter table settings. They kind of go together {wink font}. Afterwards, I do want to set the table for February and bring out the romantic table decor. With us eating more at home and having friends over, I love the change! Since I've decided to totally renovate the bookcases, one of these adorable Valentine glass blocks will be just the nightlight needed for February! Until ~
A New Blog, A New Idea!
You'll find this adorable blog HERE! I read about it on Pinterest and it's real cute. In fact, I've saved it in order to go back to it when I publish this and look through it a bit more. It seems as if she takes the ideas from Pinterest that she likes in way of clothing and then puts it together and photographs herself! I, myself, have lots and lots of clothing ideas and I have used maybe 1/4 or those ideas. But after a while, I fall back into wearing the same items, simply because they're at the front of the line. A friend of mine puts hers at the back so she knows it's been worn. That's a great idea, too! Go to Pinterest Told Me To . . . and tell me what you think. I heart comments!
These are too cute for Valentine's Day! She made one for each of her babies. I love Project Maddox for two reasons. One, she has some really neat ideas. Two, she's our baby daughter {big smile font}. She shows you how she put these together for only $2 each. Neat way to decorate all month long! Then leave nice notes for a job well done.
It's almost the end of January. Wowzer. Time is flying already this year. Until ~
Her Sanctuary ~ My Dreams
one of my favorite blogs
today i clicked on
to find some of my favorite colors
and a nod to an upcoming holiday
we are in the process of redecorating
our bookcases and i want
a more neutral look for the season
a nod toward our area of sand and surf
to bring in glass, silver, and mercury
along with natural woods and finds
these are so easy to place
they go anywhere
i love to watch our grandbabies
smell and listen to them
it's a valentine's day tree
makes the heart smile
and when the heart smiles
the soul sings
* * * *
click here to see other photos
of her home
i'm never disappointed
A Guy, A Gal, and A Rule

It was the 100th Day of School at FPK. And also Pajama Day in Noah's classroom. Great job, Noah! Your time at this school changed your life, and we will forever be thankful for not only the opportunity, but the blessings of those teaching and loving you.
It was Princess/Prince Party Day in Elle's classroom for the 100th Day. I have to congratulate Jenny on the Snow White dress. She made this for Elle! We all love FPK and pray for those that guide and teach these little ones. So there's my sweet guy and gal ~
My grandmother, Josephine Bass Yarbrough, was a retired teacher that didn't stop teaching when she left the building. Along with other grammar rules, this one has stuck in my mind forever! You know, the American language has got to be the most difficult to teach.
I love this photo! Jenny's happy and relaxed after putting together a precious birthday party for Noah (Camp Noah); Noah is excited and obviously tickled with the birthday party and goodies; and Elle is having a blast being the little sister and knowing she's in a photo! Click on Camp Noah above to be directed to Jenny's blog and see more neat photos of how she and Brandon put Camp Noah together for a troop of guys and gals. Happy 6th Birthday, No!
Recent Favorites ~
This sweet baby of ours is excited, because~
they had a SNOW DAY!
Stacey's a teacher, so she was happy, too!
We got none. Nada. Zilch. Not a flurry.
BUT, Winter isn't over yet!
I laugh out loud each time I see this.
Or think of it!
And I have a girlfriend that needs this. Bahaha.
She wants a bike to ride,
and she loves walking on the beach.
Heeeeere ya go, Deborah!
This sweet beauty?
One of God's gifts to us in the animal kingdom.
Oh John, find a way to take me here one day.
And not just in my dreams~
I want to make these for Easter.
They're just too cute!
Raspberry Confetti Kisses
And this one has grabbed my heart!
Leslie & Heath's latest 'baby bump' photo
of our newest grandbaby. A boy.
To say we're thrilled is an understatement.
I pray your week has been filled with moments
that made you laugh, made you giggle,
made you thankful, made you dream,
caused you to pause and say a prayer.
If You Keep Your Eyes Shut
An old door. I love shut doors.
I am a very curious person.
Nosy to some that don't understand.
And a closed door, especially a beautiful one,
has to have a treasure behind it.
That's why I love books.
Books carry me away to another place.
Another land. Another life.
My second love is books of poetry.
The one by Robert Frost is by far my favorite.
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
~ Robert Frost
I had never read this poem by Dr. Seuss, but will keep it now~
If you keep your eyes shut, you'll miss the best things!
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!
Dr. Seuss
I can read in red. I can read in blue.
I can read in pickle color too.
I can read in bed, and in purple. and in brown.
I can read in a circle and upside down!
I can read with my left eye. I can read with my right.
I can read Mississippi with my eyes shut tight!
There are so many things you can learn about.
But…you'll miss the best things
If you keep your eyes shut.
The more that you read, the more things you will know
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
If you read with your eyes shut you're likely to find
That the place where you're going is far, far behind
SO…that's why I tell you to keep your eyes wide.
Keep them wide open…at least on one side.
Dr. Seuss
I can read in red. I can read in blue.
I can read in pickle color too.
I can read in bed, and in purple. and in brown.
I can read in a circle and upside down!
I can read with my left eye. I can read with my right.
I can read Mississippi with my eyes shut tight!
There are so many things you can learn about.
But…you'll miss the best things
If you keep your eyes shut.
The more that you read, the more things you will know
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
If you read with your eyes shut you're likely to find
That the place where you're going is far, far behind
SO…that's why I tell you to keep your eyes wide.
Keep them wide open…at least on one side.
When our daughter, Jenny, was born
I recalled a poem I learned in high school.
Jenny Kiss'd Me. We didn't get her name from it,
but I've always thought of it fondly as her poem.
Jenny Kiss'd Me
Jenny kissed me when we met,
Jumping from the chair she sat in;
Time, you thief, who love to get
Sweets into your list, put that in!
Say I'm weary, say I'm sad,
Say that health and wealth have missed me,
Say I'm growing old, but add,
Jenny kiss'd me.
~ James Henry Leigh Hunt
A Monday Memory ~
I love seeing our daughter's posts and photos from years back. She has a Flashback Friday she does (here's the latest!), and sweet Noah, not quite two months old, I believe. One of my favorites from about that time includes his big brother trying to give the new baby brother a toy. Oh be still my heart~
Sleepy dayz~wake up, Night!
On another note, I'm wondering who is getting our Winter weather?! We aren't {frowny font} I like my Winter season and thought we were to have one this year. Guess again. I was hoping the snake eggs would be taken care of this year (as they weren't last year and everyone had too many reptiles! Miami area just issued 800 permits to rid the locale of a certain species of pythons. Eek! Any python in my yard would be a 'missing' python after The Hood took care of it!)
The new year promises to have its share of excitement and changes and our family is gearing up for them. Have a God-filled week and may you find many moments of love and laughter during your days. Until ~
I Love Winter ~
I love the snow, the cold
the silence ~
hot chocolate, time for good novels, time with Him~
A great time for whites and neutrals,
soothing to the eyes, to the soul ~
Winter brings colds, flu, and prayers for healing
as well as smiles for those recovering ~
and one that will enter our world at the end of the season.
I love you already, sweet Owen~
The Tide Rolled!
This led to ~
this, which went on to lead to this!
and a National Championship. Again! I love to proclaim that our state now has claimed the last four, that's FOUR, BCS National Championships. Between our three and Auburn's one, we've owned the BCS.
I love it! Roll Tide!!
Using a Bookcase!
Undoubtely, my favorite way of how you can use a bookcase! Here's the link and I'm sure you can do it as well. Not only is it oh, so, handy, but how cute as well! If you make it, come back here and share yours with me by mailing me a photo and a description and I'll post it for everyone to see and be inspired!
This one is not on a swivel but it is a neat way to organize your mudroom or laundry. This idea came from one of my favorite blogs, Lookie What I Did, and you can find more DIY projects to fill up your DIY days! A great way to start out a new year! Organizing and cleaning up those clutter areas and cabinets!
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