Hmm, Something Is Wrong With This Picture

Just Bits & Pieces
Deborah is still here with us and today we wandered downtown. I found a gorgeous bracelet at Carol Brooks. You've got to visit that shoppe! They have some of their fall and Halloween items up and decorating the front windows. I also got a cute little 'Cowardly Lion' figurine with his TrickorTreat bag. Lunch was at Marchelle's and too good! Crab cakes, roasted potatoes and grilled asparagus. Yum. (Jenny was the one that made me aware of how good crab cakes could be and I'll be forever grateful.) I have so enjoyed this visit with one of my bestest friends. We have laughed, shared, cried, and laughed some more. I'm going to miss her.
We drove out to visit with Jenny and the boys, and while there it began raining! And thundering! And lightening! Don't you just marvel at the power of nature and the beauty of His handiwork! Noah is sick with croup, but looked better yet sounded really hoarse. Jenny is very, very pregnant with Elle and you can see her latest pic here.
Tonight we camped out in front of the tube to see if Jillian and Ed are still a couple (they are) and nothing spectacular jumped out as this season's The Batchelorette drew to a close. A neat way to end a great day.
Friends, Food, & a Film!

Universal Health Care Program
A number of senators were asked the same question and their response was always, "I'm thinking about it." It was also announced, on the news, that the Kennedy Health Care Bill has been worded so that Congress will be EXEMPT! So, if it's not good enough for our President and Congress to want for their families, it's still okay for the rest of us?!
I have listened to CNN, FOX News, MSNBC (thank you, God, for a husband that enjoys staying on top of the news) and I am concerned, very concerned, with this health care package being discussed and pushed past us. I remember my parents traveling in Canada and hearing Daddy talk of the problems they had/have with their health care and that he prayed America would never, ever walk that road. Now the leaders of this country want to put us on that same path.
What can we do? We are a Grassroots country and yes, what you say and what you do matters. If you do nothing more than Google and research what I have just written, if you do nothing more than pray that Obama's plan will NOT become law, you are still doing something. Call, email, write your leaders. Finding the information is as easy as getting on a Search machine. I've found a couple of sites that will go a bit more into the little that I have brought to you this morning. Click on one of the cartoons to be directed there.
And again, pray. Pray unceasingly for America. There is still so much good here, but it is ultimately up to us to keep it that way. And yes, we have to stay on top of the government we put into office.

I know, I know this is a bit serious for a blog but it was/is important to me and I wanted to put it out there. I will be interested to see how you feel ~
A New Place To Visit
Many of you know Bro. Raymond Elliott and already follow several of his blogs. He now has another that I think you may find interesting and you may have something to add to this blog! Especially those of you that attended Alabama Christian College during the early years! I'm sure he would appreciate you heading over there, reading his opening post, and spreading the word to those you may know that would enjoy reading about those days of yore, and just maybe they can email Bro. Elliott and add to this blog with posts, memories, and photographs!
Head on over to Ann Street Memories, and leave him a comment. Then, if you haven't already done so, visit his other sites. You'll be glad you did. John loves Hunting Humor & Tales. I'm a bit partial to Early Morning Meditations.
And it's Friday! I have a dear friend coming this weekend and will be staying with us before she takes a flight to Virginia. I am so looking forward to getting together with girlfriends. I'm sure there will be much laughter, love, giggles, and lots of good food. I pray that your weekend is filled with many moments of love and laughter as well ~
You Were A Good Man

The pitchers mound, too.
Linus cries in his blanket
The whole world is blue.
The round headed kid
Whose life was disdain,
Will never feed Snoopy
Or play baseball again.
I watched him stay humble
At Halloween time;
When rocks filled his bag,
His heartache was mine.
Christmas was Peanuts
And that sad little tree;
Linus made us realize
What Christmas should be.
Pigpen’s life
Was a dust-filled swirl;
Charlie Brown’s heart
Was a red-haired girl.
The World War I Ace
Shot the Red Baron down;
Then snuggled with Woodstock,
Down on the ground.
They attached to our souls
They were part of our hearts;
In the morning over coffee,
On the TV in the dark.
So our world is a much
Lonelier place tonight;
A legend has passed into the light.
And somewhere a beagle howls
A most pitiful sound,
He’s lost his best friend.
You were a good man, Charlie Brown.
"The Eagle Has Landed"

Someone Always Comes ~
In the movie, Passengers, one of the main characters says something to the effect, "Someone or something always comes to help you, to make it easier." And the movie comes together, and you realize what the plot is, what the message is.
I was expecting a suspenseful thriller; what I wasn't expecting was this feeling I am experiencing right now. At this moment. Nauseated, but thrilled. Wanting to slip back into those 'zones' I found comforting after the accident, and during recovery, yet almost afraid to go back there and remember.
John is sitting not four feet from me, yet my mind is wanting to take me worlds from here. And the thoughts crowding my mind, my memory, are coming too fast for my fingers to type. I want to capture what I am feeling. I want to know that there is someone out there that experienced what I experienced. I want to know that there are others like me, that crossed over and came back. I want to know I am not alone. I want to know, are we alive?
You have no idea. You have no idea how it feels to be there and then to be sent back. To come back and wonder if everything is real. Or is this still a dream? Is this bits and pieces of life as you knew it? To think that what I know as life now is only a fragment of what the movie The Matrix was based upon.
There are times my mind screams for validation that I am alive, that I did not remain dead that April day. It was such a beautiful day, my memories of our trip to Birmingham are so clear and bright. Turning to look at Johnny, thinking how handsome he was and how good life was.
Remembering seeing Tim Buck walk toward us with flowers and thinking that I barely knew him, that I had only gotten his daughter on my class roll, yet he cared enough to be there. To come as we waited for my name to be called. My name. It was called.
It was called and I walked through the door, following the nurse. Changing into a gown with that hideous opening in the back. Getting up onto the table, and telling her the IV didn't hurt as she apologized for the prick. Then telling her I wasn't feeling as sleepy as I knew I should, watching her as she brought another syringe up to the IV and touching my hair as I heard her say, "Nighty night, Mrs. Hood".
And I open my eyes. And I know, I am not alive. To know, I am dead. And there is someone on my right. Now I wish I had looked to see who, what was there. Was it someone I would have known? I don't think so. I can almost assure myself it was a heavenly being. A messenger.
"Someone comes to make it easier, to help us find our way." Who was there for me?
John is sitting over there talking and talking and I get the feeling he is trying to include me in his day. All I want to do at this moment, at this time, is get lost in what happened then. And I wish Greg was here for me to talk to, to share with.
I can't share with John. Not like I can with Greg. Greg. Such a blessing in the form of a Christian counselor. Trained in helping those of us with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD. A fancy name for the mind not being able to handle what was, what might have been, and what actually is.
John doesn't like to remember that time. It hurts him to hear my pain, my fears, my questions. Basically, I keep them to myself. But I have to tell you, there are still times, even after three years, that I wonder if this is all real. If I am existing on a separate plane in life from reality.
Why does talking of death make so many people uncomfortable? I love telling what I saw, what I felt, what I know is there. I have read since the accident, when looking for answers, that severe traumatic experiences heighten one's sensitivity to life. Extrasensory perception. Maybe it just heightens us to what is already in front of us, what is just waiting to be felt, to be known. If we would just take the time to be a child again and notice.
I know this. Life is far shorter than we realize. He tells us it is but a vapor. It is no more than the breeze on your face. And there are those around, angels if you will, that are ever present. Right now they are having a difficult time comforting me because I have wrapped myself in the memories of that time in order to capture what I am feeling. Because I want to remember. There are things I want to remember, that I still feel my mind is shutting out. What is still there to recall?
Why the need to write this down? Why did I grab the laptop as soon as the movie was over? I would like to think that there is someone that will read this and not be afraid to leave me a comment. Or leave an email. Saying they have been there. They saw what I saw, and they are still dealing with living today and having the memories of the event that took them to Paradise.
I have learned many things since that April day ~ a few major ones would be that even death cannot heal family issues when lies still prevail; our nightmares are just that, nightmares, and life has its equal moments of light and happiness; and that we do not cross over alone. There is someone, something that comes to make the way easier.
Watch for His angels. Watch for those things you can't explain. Look into the eyes of those you pass. I promise you, when they look at you and smile, you'll know when you've been in the presence of angels. And yes, they can look just as human as you and me. Sometimes my whole being overflows with things I feel the need to say, to share, but then I realize it's a bit overwhelming. A bit to much for some, for most, to comprehend and understand.
I can tell when you are uncomfortable when I speak of these things. You begin to fidget, to glance away. You reach out with your hand to shush me, to quiet me. You tell me you're sorry. It's like trying to quell a bubbling brook.
I'm afraid to scroll back through this and see how long it is. What I have typed. What I have shared. I want to hit the 'publish' button and have this out there. For all to read. And just maybe, someone will be there. Someone like me, that feels as if you have a foot in both worlds. What is, and what will be. Just maybe, there's someone.
Are you out there?
"I Don't Know"
The Little White House

As the funeral train left Warm Springs for Washington, countless numbers of people lined the tracks to bid farewell to their friend and president. Roosevelt's casket remained at the White House for one day. On April 15, 1945 was laid to rest at his estate in Hyde Park, NY.

Breakfast at Magnolia Hall ~

we headed to Warm Springs and Roosevelt's
Little White House. The museum is very informational
and this is the walk of state flags. Each flag has a slab
of the state's natural material (ie, granite, marble, sandstone)
that was cut in the shape of the state. The temp here was
never above 89 degrees, although by the time we got to
Montgomery, it was 98! And extremely humid!

Trip to Hamilton, Georgia ~

and not finding anything in the town of Hamilton
we drove a few miles out to Callaway Country Store.

I tried getting a snapshot of the view, but the light
was too bright ~ so just take my word for it!

and watched the many hummingbirds whirring around!

to FDR's Little White House. I'll also show you the breakfast
that was prepared for us this morning! Oh.YUM!