This photograph is also courtesy of our Stacey. Leslie had a costume party to attend and went as a Grecian goddess. Austin has a mouth full of Halloween candy and Alaina couldn't take her eyes of 'the princess'. Too cute!! These are some things that have already brightened my week. What's happened where you are?!
"And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet. " Matthew 10:14 When you can hold your head up, knowing you have spoken the truth, knowing you have done all that you can to correct a wrong situation, then you can walk away knowing there is absolutely nothing else you can do.
There has been a situation that has been allowed to become entangled and fraught with lies and untruths for over five years now. I have not been asked what happened, although judgements have been placed and my family set aside. We no longer count as family members except what is necessary for a "public image".
It is easy to portray only what you want the public to see, to hear, to believe. When the majority do not want to face the facts and right the wrongs, there will be no solution. I am shaking the dust from my feet and moving on. There is no reason to lower my head for I have done nothing wrong. I protected the very ones that now turn their faces, their hearts, their children against me and my family.
I shall always be thankful that I was allowed to see Paradise, to see what awaits His children. I will always be grateful that He took me there. There IS a place waiting. That image continues to bring solace to my soul. Some things in this life aren't worth stressing over and I am taking myself out of this one.
Now, on a lighter note! it's been a really beautiful day here in central Alabama and although we've got some rain moving in, the days are pleasantly cool and the nights still cooler! AND there's a new place to eat downtown, where you can get hamburgers and home cooked veggies! It's open for lunch each weekday and will open for dinner Thursday and Friday nights. I'm not sure about Saturday, but I bet they'll be open. I just love downtown. Can you tell?
Last night I met Kay at Applebee's for an appetizer and dinner! Then we went to a home decor show and laughed. Snacked on some yummy food and had some delicious drinks made from mixes offered by the consultant. The company used to be Southern Living at Home and has loads of awesome items. I, however, am a dyed in the wool Kirklands and Hobby Lobby fool and saw much that I can recreate with their 'stuff'. Still truly enjoyed the girlfriend time, though!! There's nothing like giggling girly girls!
And the week is ending with a close football game, too close, of the Crimson Tide and South Carolina. I love watching SEC games with The Hood. He gets so involved. Talk about talking to the TV?! The man does!! and paces, and yells, and laughs out loud. I love you, Johnny Hood. Forever and a day.
So, how was your week and what were some of your favorites?!
* Trick-or-treaters who have under 50 pieces of candy in their bag will receive 10 pieces.
* Trick-or-treaters who have between 50 and 100 pieces will receive 5 pieces of candy.
* Trick-or-treaters who have between 100 and 150 will receive nothing and I will probably take candy away from you next year, but I want your support now so I'm not going to mention that.
* If you have over 150 pieces, I will take away half of your candy and require you to provide candy to all of your friends that have under 50 pieces. If you do not give your friends candy, then I will take away the rest of your candy and give it to them myself.
* If you have no candy at all, I'll give you 25 pieces of candy and a college scholarship.
Your loving neighbor,
Mr. Obama
Thank you, Chad, for this so-true-it's-scary scenario!! As Chad ended his post, "WAKE UP, AMERICA!"
While reading through an SEC book of John's this afternoon, I came upon a quote from a player. I found it interesting, so I began running a search to see just what was being bandied about ~ it led me to Alabama's George Teague chasing down a Miami receiver and stripping the ball away from him! Awesome. Not only did he prevent a sure touchdown, but Alabama won this national championship game 34-13 in the '93 Sugar Bowl. The quote that began it all this afternoon? "Alabama's cornerbacks don't impress me one bit. They're overrated. Real men don't play zone defense and we'll show them a thing or two come January 1." This quote coming from Miami receiver Lamar Thomas (the man that just happens to have his touchdown taken away by George Teague!) Gotta love SEC football. Gotta love the Crimson Tide ~
I intend to try it!
I took the following picture first. It shows a bit more of the background. Yeah, that's candy. I plead the fifth. It's a holiday! Of course we have candy corn! And M&M's in pretty colors for Halloween.