Lily's Story ~
A Fun, Quick Trip ~ A Frustrating Blogger
Moments of Your Life
Neat Sites, Nifty People
Using a used cabinet door {or one from your local Lowe's or Home Depot} and some flash cards, this nifty person made a really neat place for backpacks and jackets! You can find her by going to Be Different, Act Normal or clicking on the photo! Leave her a comment. We heart comments!

Oh, My. I'm In Love.

Eat In Colors

I never knew eating right could be so easy!
For Some Insight on America

I Heart Anthropologie

This next item looks amazing when lit.

I just bet someone somewhere has already copied this idea and is now loving that they paid peanuts for a chandi that would have broken our bank account. Personally, I wouldn't hang this in our home, but I love that it's an idea so easily done.
Next I want to explore IKEA. Been reading alot on this spot!
What is YOUR favorite shop?!
Does a Former Drill Sargent Make a Terrible Therapist?
I cannot watch this without laughing out loud each and every time. And today, when my tummy is not feeling so good I need a laugh. We celebrated my sweetheart's birthday last night and I either picked up something in the food or someone passed on a bug to me. Whatever, I am looking for a soft place to lie, some giggles, and sweet tea for the tummy. Enjoy!
I Heart Blog-Hopping!

Summer Memories ~

and began 1st grade today!

He'll be four soon and continues
to bring laughter where ever he is!

Championship DNA ~ The University of Alabama Football
Pictured above is the University of Alabama's football training and conditioning facility. You might call it “Coach Cochran’s Office”. The photo does not fully capture how vast the space is. By way of comparison, the author of this article (not me! although I would love to see this in person!) has also been to the Titans training facility in Nashville. The locker room facilities are equivalent, but the Tide’s weight room is larger and has more equipment than the Titans.
Evidence of Coach Saban’s philosophy is everywhere you look and the players cannot go to and from the practice field without encountering motivational messages. For example:As the players leave the locker room and head to the practice field they have to pass by a pyramid of the logos of the teams they will play this season.

In addition to his statue, there will be a bronze plaque containing the name of every player who contributed to the 2009 season! University officials like the idea so much that they plan now to retrofit each of the existing coaches monuments to include similar plaques for the other 12 national championship teams.

players through drills will be heard.